COM/SOM Portal
Organizations can apply.
Opens Jan 10 2025 12:00 AM (CST)
Deadline May 12 2025 11:59 PM (CDT)

All nominations made through this portal must originate from an organizational account and cannot be completed by the individual nominee. Create an Organization profile if you are nominating an individual on behalf of a COM/SOM Dean’s Office, Financial Aid Office, or Office of Student Affairs. 

To register an organizational account visit and click "Register" to complete this process. To add an organization to an existing individual account click "My Account" and complete.


The following award is open for nominations beginning February 14 through April 30, 2025:

  • DONNA JONES MORITSUGU MEMORIAL AWARD in partnership with the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA), the AOF extends this award to life partners of graduating Osteopathic medical students who best exemplify the type of unselfish, immeasurable support and personal sacrifice that is crucial to their partner’s success. For more information visit

The following scholarships are open for nominations beginning March 3 through May 12, 2025:

  • GOLDEN TICKET SCHOLARSHIP recognizes those who despite financial obstacles have achieved academic excellence, displayed leadership, made a commitment to community outreach, and embody Osteopathic tenants and philosophy. Up to six (6) educational scholarships will be given to Osteopathic students who exemplify the scholarship’s purpose and awarded a $5,000 educational scholarship. One of the six students will be chosen as the Golden Ticket Winner and awarded an additional $15,000. For more information visit

  • PRESIDENTIAL MEMORIAL LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP was created to in partnership with the American Osteopathic Association to recognize Osteopathic medical students committed to the principles of Osteopathic medicine and who have taken great strides toward becoming top student leaders. These individuals have been instrumental in motivating people, and they take conscious, well-calculated steps to develop themselves and their followers. One educational scholarship in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to a student who exemplifies the principals of Osteopathic Principals and aligns with the scholarship purpose. For more information visit

The following scholarship is open for nominations beginning March 3 through October 31, 2025: 

  • STERLING K. WELCH SCHOLARSHIP was established to provide monetary aid to Osteopathic medical students. Each College/School of Osteopathic Medicine (COM/SOM) and branch campus may nominate one student who is in significant financial need to receive a $2,000 scholarship. For more information visit

NOTE: Students may apply or be nominated for multiple scholarships or grants in one cycle; however only one scholarship or grant will be awarded, per student.  If a student is selected as the top winner for two programs, the greater of the two will be given.  


COM/SOM Portal

All nominations made through this portal must originate from an organizational account and cannot be completed by the individual nominee. Create an Organization profile if you are nominating an individual on behalf of a COM/SOM Dean’s Office, Financial Aid Office, or Office of Student Affairs. 

To register an organizational account visit and click "Register" to complete this process. To add an organization to an existing individual account click "My Account" and complete.


The following award is open for nominations beginning February 14 through April 30, 2025:

  • DONNA JONES MORITSUGU MEMORIAL AWARD in partnership with the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA), the AOF extends this award to life partners of graduating Osteopathic medical students who best exemplify the type of unselfish, immeasurable support and personal sacrifice that is crucial to their partner’s success. For more information visit

The following scholarships are open for nominations beginning March 3 through May 12, 2025:

  • GOLDEN TICKET SCHOLARSHIP recognizes those who despite financial obstacles have achieved academic excellence, displayed leadership, made a commitment to community outreach, and embody Osteopathic tenants and philosophy. Up to six (6) educational scholarships will be given to Osteopathic students who exemplify the scholarship’s purpose and awarded a $5,000 educational scholarship. One of the six students will be chosen as the Golden Ticket Winner and awarded an additional $15,000. For more information visit

  • PRESIDENTIAL MEMORIAL LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP was created to in partnership with the American Osteopathic Association to recognize Osteopathic medical students committed to the principles of Osteopathic medicine and who have taken great strides toward becoming top student leaders. These individuals have been instrumental in motivating people, and they take conscious, well-calculated steps to develop themselves and their followers. One educational scholarship in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to a student who exemplifies the principals of Osteopathic Principals and aligns with the scholarship purpose. For more information visit

The following scholarship is open for nominations beginning March 3 through October 31, 2025: 

  • STERLING K. WELCH SCHOLARSHIP was established to provide monetary aid to Osteopathic medical students. Each College/School of Osteopathic Medicine (COM/SOM) and branch campus may nominate one student who is in significant financial need to receive a $2,000 scholarship. For more information visit

NOTE: Students may apply or be nominated for multiple scholarships or grants in one cycle; however only one scholarship or grant will be awarded, per student.  If a student is selected as the top winner for two programs, the greater of the two will be given.  

Open to
Organizations can apply.
Jan 10 2025 12:00 AM (CST)
May 12 2025 11:59 PM (CDT)